How does PSEG update the resident and City when the issue is scheduled to be addressed, and when the issue is ultimately resolved?

PSEG currently does not have a direct protocol or procedure to update a resident or the City when an issue is scheduled to be addressed or is ultimately resolved. However, PSEG is evaluating new technologies and applications to assist in the maintenance and reporting of street light outages that will improve the customer experience and PSEG response times. These opportunities include enhanced “MyAccount” layers at https://nj.pseg.com/ and smart streetlight controllers. PSEG customers will be notified as these opportunities are vetted, approved, and implemented.

In the meantime, if you have reported an issue to PSEG and it has not been addressed within five (5)business days, please email David Calamoneri at dcalamoneri@hobokennj.gov or call 201.420.2000 x4000 with the nearest address and pole number (if available). The City will contact the PSEG street light supervisor and provide you with an update.

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